Theatrical Wardrobe Workers of Greater Kansas City

Policies & Regulations Agreement

Revised and Approved: 12/5/2022

TWU Local 810 is a professional wardrobe union. The following is a list of procedures that are enforced and adhered to. Failure to comply may result in dismissal and or disciplinary action.


This cannot be stressed enough. You need to be in the building, checked in and ready to work at your call time. Not in the bathroom, not in the parking lot, not walking into the building.


Check in with the steward when you arrive at the theater at least 10 minutes before the call time. Some venues actually have check-in or timesheets that you need to sign or fill out. The steward will inform you if such a sign is available. In such cases, you still need to check in with the steward. Always check out with the steward before leaving a call.


This is always an issue when working downtown venues. You need to allow yourself enough plenty of time to locate parking and walking time to the venue.


Always stay at your assigned station when backstage. You never know when an actor might need your assistance. You are only to be on stage when required. If you absolutely must leave your station during the show, tell the steward or traveling supervisor.


These are not always at show intermission. You will be given direction from the steward or supervisor as to when you may take your breaks. This includes breaks during other calls. Please do not leave your station unless you know it is break time. Nobody has the time to look for you.


There is no eating or drinking, except water in a closed container, during a work or show call at your work station.


Alcohol and drug use on the job will not be tolerated. You need to be alert. Anyone found to be high or intoxicated will be subject to immediate dismissal and or disciplinary action.


Omit wearing. Due to allergies and tight working quarters, it will be greatly appreciated. Please try to use unscented deodorants and antiperspirants when possible.


Smoking is not permitted in any venues. Some venues actually do not allow smoking on the entire property. If you are a smoker you will be shown where the designated smoking area is if there is one. You must adhere to any regulations with regard to smoking at the venue or show.


If you have questions or problems (actors, co-workers, or personal) about anything, please see the Steward. They will handle all concerns and issues that may arise.


Black or dark clothing is preferred on calls. The steward or supervisor will let you know if it is not necessary. Sensible shoes are required. No open-toe shoes of any kind. EQUIPMENT You should have an apron or fanny pack with a small sewing repair kit with you when dressing. This should include such items as scissors, bite-light or flashlight, safety pins, and threaded needles.


Avoid the use of cell phones, pagers, games, etc. while working. Do so only on breaks. Some shows have very strict rules that must be adhered to in regard to electronic devices. Some shows may allow the use of electronic devices during a show it is important that you do not allow them to interfere with your duties.


Family members, friends, etc. are not permitted backstage at any time. The only exception to this would be after-show tours, which some shows allow. Permission must be obtained in this case.


If it is necessary to leave the building for some reason, you must check with the steward first.


You will be paid union scale wages. TWU Local 810 requires 1% of your gross wages as a referral fee. These are due on the show's last day and should be in check form payable to: TWU Local 810. Venues in which we are working under the stagehands union will have the 1% deducted from your check. Checks are available or mailed to you when they are ready following the theater's pay schedule, it could be one to two weeks before you receive payment.


All personnel referred by TWU Local 810 are subject to action if they violate any policy or regulation or act in a way unbecoming a wardrobe professional. The steward will report violations to the business agent as soon as possible. A written account, provided by the steward, will be given. Below are details of actions that may be taken.


First Offense: Any dresser who fails to be on time, will be given a verbal or written warning and will not be timed in until the next half hour or hour increment. They may be dismissed from the show at the steward's, business agent's, and or employer's discretion.

Second Offense: Any dresser who fails to be on time for a second time: see first offense, will also be fined $15.00 that will need to be paid before working another call.

Third Offense: Any dresser who fails to be on time for the third time:  see first offense, will also be fined $25.00 that will need to be paid before working another call. They will also be removed from the dispatch list for one call.


First Offense: If a dresser fails to appear for a call without notice, there will be a written warning given and or dismissal from the show at the steward's, business agent's, and or employer's discretion. There will also be a fine of $50.00 that will need to be paid before working another call and loss of job referral for one call.

Second Offense: If a dresser fails to appear for a call without notice for a second time: See first offense, but the fine will be $60.00 that will need to be paid before working another call, and loss of job referral for two calls.

Third Offense: If the dresser fails to appear for a call without notice for the third time, the matter will be discussed and dealt with by the executive board at a special meeting.


This is a zero-tolerance offense. You will be removed from the show.

First Offense: Written warning, removal from show, and $25.00 fine that will need to be paid before working another call..

Second Offense: Written warning, removal from the show, loss of job referral for 6 months, and $50.00 fine that will need to be paid btefore working another call.

Third Offense: Removal from the show and permanent removal from the dispatch list, and $100.00 fine.


Violations of other policies and regulations listed at the beginning of this document should be reported to the Steward and Business Agent as soon as possible. A written account of the violation will be submitted on the show report.

First Offense: The first violation will result in a verbal warning.

Second Offense: The second violation of the same offense will result in a written warning and a fine of $10.00 that will need to be paid before working another call.

Third Offense: The third violation of the same offense will result in a written warning and a fine of $20.00 that will need to be paid before working another call.

Fourth Offense: The fourth violation of the same offense will be discussed and dealt with by the executive board.

Minor violations are defined as violations of working procedures.


Major violations are reviewed by the executive board and defined as actions that adversely affect other workers.


Failure to pay any financial obligation shall result in a fine of $25 after 30 days delinquent and will need to be paid before working another call.

© 2010 - 2025 I.A.T.S.E TWU 810