TWU (Theatrical Wardrobe Union) Local 810 is a charter of the IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees And Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada). TWU Local 810 represents wardrobe workers in the Greater Kansas City area. The Lyric Opera, Kansas City Ballet, Midland Theater, T-Mobil Center, Kauffman Center, among others look to TWU Local 810 to supply them with professional wardrobe personal.
Becoming a member of TWU Local 810, allows you to join forces with other theatrical, motion picture, and television wardrobe workers to strengthen your position in the workplace. The union negotiates all contracts with the venues and production companies for you, based on the needs and desires of the membership at large. This helps ensure that you have a clean and safe working environment and that compensation for your skills is within the industry standard.
Original Charter: February 27, 1946
Charter Members: Lillie Larkin, Theresa M. Larkin, Ethyl V. Klasen, Fay Monroe, Virginia Donovan, Margaret Victor, Ann Sheets, Eunice M. Corkrun
Executive Board
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